Life With TMO

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Miraculous Triumph over Exams

I won a miraculous triumph over exams and got a LEVEL2 privilege. However, I have to say that the difficulty level is not right for everyone. Particularly, staff is showing players how math could be annoying (Though, I am lousy at math, huh?) .

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Exams Are Ended

I came, I saw and I felt down after finishing my exams. Good grief!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

About the coming exam

The first periodic examination will be held this weekend (July 21-24). I am afraid that tons of new questions will be added automatically today (scheduled maintenance day).
In that event, it is not a maintenance but a nuisance!

Exam... To be passed or not to be passed: That is the question.

Friday, July 07, 2006

The Latest Items and Their Appearance

The latest items (bathing/sweat suit and gym uniform) are interesting but their appearance are not good. A tiny avatar with these new item worn looks like a walking skeleton. It's no exaggeration to say that it is a bug. I hope that it will be fixed (or redesigned) ASAP.

Full-sized avatar with new items are more than I can imagine nonetheless. Since when does TMO become a rosebud game :-P

New Items and Payment-system Improvements

As you may know, many new items become available these days (sunglasses, (medical?) mask, gym uniform and bathing/sweat suit, for example). What's more, some important improvements to the system are made. In addition to the usual 30-days subscription, 60-days subscription is also available now and I can renew my subscription at any time I want (please remember that the renewal period was limited).

Is the system getting tuned? I hope so and it should be so.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

TMO Comics

Brand-new "Tokimeki Memorial ONLINE Anthology Comic" is now on available in parts ("For Boy's" edition and "For Girl's" edition). If you like Doujinshi or something like that, you might want to purchase one or both of them.

BTW, What do you think how many TMO Doujinshis will be published at the coming Comiket? I want to read them but it is difficult (or impossible) due to obvious reason :-)